
First patent for Iodocarb comp granted

PharmaLundensis patent application protecting activated carbon impregnated with iodine or iodine salts in combination with perchlorate (Iodocarb comp WO2015075111) for treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has now been granted in South Africa. The patent lasts for at least 16 years, with the possibility of a 5 year extension.

This is the first patent for Iodocarb comp that is granted. PharmaLundensis has also filed national patent applications  in nine other markets (USA, Europe, China, Japan, Chile, Israel, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Russia). As is described in the Year-end Report, February 16, 2017, the Company has the strategy of securing patent protection in the four major markets (EU, US, Japan and China), but also in at least one smaller country per continent outside the major markets. The plan is that a pharmaceutical company in that country licenses Iodocarb comp and then is responsible for sales across the region. A pharmaceutical company in South Africa will thus be responsible for the sale of Iodocarb in the majority of the African countries.

CEO Dr Staffan Skogvall: It is very positive that the first national patent for Iodocarb comp is now granted. Thus, one can expect great likelihood of positive results even in other regions. I think we will benefit greatly from this patent which will also be able to protect the new, improved iodinated carbon that we are developing.