Carries out a rights issue of up to approx. MSEK 14.4
PharmaLundensis press release ENG
At the board meeting of PharmaLundensis AB (publ) (“PharmaLundensis” or the “Company”), with the support of the authorization from the annual general meeting on May 27, 2024, the Board of Directors decided today, Tuesday, February 4, 2025, to increase the Company’s share capital by a maximum of SEK 721,982.70 through a new issue of up to 14,439,654 shares and on the following terms: SEK 1 shall be paid for each new share, subscription of shares with preferential rights shall be made by exercise of subscription rights (the “Rights Issue”). One (1) existing share entitles to one (1) subscription right and seven (7) subscription rights entitle to subscription of two (2) new shares. The record date for participation in the issue shall be on February 11, 2025. The Company’s CEO Staffan Skogvall has announced an intention to subscribe for at least SEK 200,000 via companies. Upon full subscription, PharmaLundensis will receive approximately MSEK 14.44 before issue costs, which are expected to amount to approximately MSEK 200,000.
Reasons for the Rights Issue
PharmaLundensis develops new, effective and gentle drugs to bind and excrete heavy metals such as mercury, lead and cadmium from the body. We believe that several of our most common disorders are caused by these metals, such as the lung diseases COPD and chronic bronchitis, and also severe depression. Additionally, under the subsidiary CleanTech Lund, we market our proprietary Minievaporator for the purification of liquid hazardous waste from various companies.
Preparations are underway for the first clinical study with our test substance Phal-501. Recently, we received very encouraging results from a pilot toxicology study where a group of mice receiving high doses of Phal-501 for three days exhibited no adverse effects whatsoever. Histological analyses of the mice’s mucosa from both the small and large intestines showed completely normal results, with no signs of inflammation or irritation. The mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract is the only tissue that comes into contact with Phal-501 as the substance never enters the bloodstream. These animal tests strongly suggest that Phal-501 will have very few, if any, side effects. We continue preparations for the first clinical study.
Another positive news about Phal-501 is the announcement from the European Patent Office (EPO) that our application contains structures that meet all their requirements for obtaining a patent. This PCT application can form the basis for patents in most countries of the world.
The Minievaporator is also making good progress. We are currently conducting intensive sales of the Minievaporator within Cleantech Lund following two tracks: 1. Direct sales of machinery to companies producing chemical waste, and 2. Sale of the entire Minievaporator project to a large company.
We are currently in discussions with major companies about selling the entire Minievaporator project. We feel that their interest is considerable. In parallel, discussions are underway with several smaller companies regarding selling individual machines. We estimate that there could be hundreds of thousands of companies in Europe running a business that could benefit from our machine. Through larger production series, we can set a reasonable price that still gives PharmaLundensis a good profit.
The Company is now conducting a Rights Issue to finance continued preparations for planned clinical studies with Phal-501, as well as marketing and production of the Minievaporator.
Terms of the Rights Issue in brief
Issue amount (maximum): Upon full subscription, the Company will receive SEK 14,439,654.
Number of shares issued (maximum): 14,439,654 shares.
Preferential rights: One existing share entitles to one subscription right and seven subscription rights entitle to subscription of two new shares.
Record date: February 11, 2025.
Subscription price: SEK 1 per share.
Brokerage: No brokerage fee is charged.
Subscription period with preferential rights: Subscription of shares with warrants shall be made by cash payment during the period from February 13, 2025, up to and including February 27, 2025.
Subscription without preferential rights: From February 13, 2025, until February 27, 2025. Subscription of shares without subscription rights shall be made in lots of 4,000 shares or whole multiples thereof. The application shall be made on an application form entitled “Subscription without subscription rights”. Payment for shares subscribed for without subscription rights shall be made no later than the tenth banking day after the notification of allotment has been sent to the subscriber through a settlement note.
Number of shares in the Company: 50,538,792 today, 64,978,446 if the Rights Issue is fully subscribed.
Share capital: SEK 2,526,939.60 today, SEK 3,248,922.30 if the Rights Issue is fully subscribed.
Dilution effect: A maximum of approximately 22% if the Rights Issue is fully subscribed.
BTAs: After payment, investors will receive BTAs (paid subscribed shares) in their designated custody accounts. These BTAs will be converted into shares around 5 to 7 days after registration of the issue with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.
Trading in SRs (subscription rights): From February 13, 2025, until February 24, 2025.
Trading in BTAs (paid subscribed shares): From February 13, 2025, until the Swedish Companies Registration Office has registered the issue, the preliminary last day of trading in BTAs is estimated to be March 17, 2025.
More detailed information on the Rights Issue
The Board of Directors of PharmaLundensis AB, with the support of the authorization from the annual general meeting on May 27, 2024, decided today, Tuesday, February 4, 2025, that the Company shall carry out a Rights Issue with the issuance of up to 14,439,654 shares at a subscription price of SEK 1 per share. The record date for participation in the issue is February 11, 2025. PharmaLundensis’ existing shareholders will receive subscription rights for subscription of shares in proportion to the number of shares they own on the record date February 11, 2025. Each existing share entitles to one subscription right and seven subscription rights entitle to subscription of two new shares. Subscription of shares with warrants shall be made by cash payment during the period from February 13, 2025, up to and including February 27, 2025.
Subscription of shares without subscription rights shall be made on a separate subscription list during the same period as subscription with subscription rights. Subscription of shares without subscription rights shall be made in lots of 4,000 shares or whole multiples thereof. Payment for shares subscribed for without subscription rights shall be made in accordance with special instructions on the settlement note sent to those who receive allotment.
If not all shares are subscribed for with subscription rights, allotment of the remaining shares within the maximum amount of the issue shall be made to others who have subscribed for shares in the issue (both those who have also subscribed for shares with subscription rights and those who have subscribed for shares without subscription rights). If it is not possible to fully allocate the remaining shares, allotment shall be made so that each subscriber shall first receive an allotment of one lot of 4,000 shares. After that, the remaining shares shall be distributed to the subscribers, with one lot of 4,000 shares being allocated at a time until all shares have been allocated. However, no subscriber shall receive more shares than the amount they have subscribed for. The shares that cannot be allocated in the specified manner shall be allocated equally among the subscribers. If certain shares cannot be allocated accordingly, the allocation shall be made by drawing lots executed by the Company’s Board of Directors. However, no subscriber shall be allocated more shares than the subscriber has subscribed for.
The Board of Directors shall be entitled to extend the subscription and payment period.
February 7, 2025: Last day of trading in shares with the right to receive subscription rights (SRs).
February 10, 2025: First day of trading in shares without the right to receive subscription rights (SRs).
February 11, 2025: Record date for receipt of subscription rights (SRs).
Around February 12, 2025: Publication of memorandum.
February 13, 2025: The subscription period and trading in subscription rights (SRs) and paid subscribed shares (BTAs) starts.
From February 13, 2025: Trading in paid subscribed shares (BTAs) continues until the Rights Issue has been registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office. The last day of trading in BTAs is expected to be March 17, 2025.
February 24, 2025: Trading in subscription rights (SRs) is closed.
February 27, 2025: Subscription period ends.
Around February 28, 2025: Announcement of the outcome.
For additional information, please contact:
Dr. Staffan Skogvall
Phone: +46 (0)46-13 27 80
E-mail: info@pharmalundensis.se
This information constitutes information that PharmaLundensis AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person above, on February 4, 2025.
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Forward-looking statements
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements that reflect the Company’s current views and expectations about future events and financial and operational performance, including statements regarding the Rights Issue and statements regarding guidance, planning, prospects and strategies. Forward-looking information includes words like “intend”, “estimate”, “expect”, “plan”, “project” or “may”, and other expressions that are indicative of or predictive of future developments or trends and are not based on historical facts. Although the Company believes that these statements are based on reasonable assumptions and expectations, it can give no assurances that they will materialize. Because these forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, the actual outcome may differ materially from that expressed in the forward-looking information. Forward-looking statements in the press release speak only as of the date of the press release and are subject to change without notice. The Company does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless required by applicable law or stock market regulation.